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Volume 6(3); June 2015
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Discrimination and Stigma
Hae-Wol Cho, Chaeshin Chu
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):141-142.   Published online June 30, 2015
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Study on the Behavior of Dengue Viruses during Outbreaks with Reference to Entomological and Laboratory Surveillance in the Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, and Tirunelveli Districts of Tamil Nadu, India
Parasuraman Basker, Karumana Gounder Kolandaswamy
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):143-158.   Published online June 30, 2015
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This study was carried out in order to understand the behavior of dengue viruses through the entomological and laboratory surveillance of outbreaks. The aim of the study was to provide additional research to support current knowledge of epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory diagnosis of dengue virus and ultimately to use this information to forecast dengue as well as to justify intervention measures.
Data on the presence of Aedes larvae in human dwellings during the entomological surveillance in Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, and Tirunelveli dengue outbreaks were taken to compute indices, namely the House Index (HI), Container index (CI), and the Breteau Index (BI). Standard procedures were followed for nonstructural Protein 1 (NS1) and immunoglobulin M enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the confirmation of dengue. Serovar confirmation was made in the Kottayam field station of the Vector Control Research Center, Puducherry.
Larval indices HI < 2–3% and BI < 20 contributed to halting the outbreak. Incubation of the dengue viruses in humans was detected at 15 days, NS1 was identified as a tool for the early diagnosis of dengue cases and its presence indicated the need to implement all available interventions. It was also discovered that it is helpful to search for hidden habitats of Aedes when dengue cases have not been reduced even after the sustainable management of the larval indices, HI < 5% and BI < 20. Based on the observed incidences of stopping dengue outbreaks, it was learnt that neighborhood areas of the outbreak villages, around 400 m, should have permissible larval indices < 5% HI and BI < 20. Heterogeneous serovars that led to dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) were identified using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and reconfirmed in the field as DEN-1 and DEN-3 viruses and were circulating in Tirunelveli during the outbreak.
The behaviors of dengue viruses experienced in experimental, clinical, epidemiological, entomological, and laboratory surveillance did not deviate from observations in the field during dengue outbreaks in the Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, and Tirunelveli districts of Tamil Nadu, India.


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  • A study on stegomyia indices in dengue control: a fuzzy approach
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    Soft Computing.2021; 25(1): 699.     CrossRef
  • Epidemiology and challenges of dengue surveillance in the WHO South-East Asia Region
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    Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medi.2021; 115(6): 583.     CrossRef
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    Ecological Complexity.2019; 39: 100768.     CrossRef
  • Emergence of Dengue Virus 4 as the Predominant Serotype during the Outbreak of 2017 in South India
    P.Ferdinamarie Sharmila, K. Vanathy, Barathidasan Rajamani, Venkatesh Kaliaperumal, Rahul Dhodapkar
    Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology.2019; 37(3): 393.     CrossRef
Experience of Late–Middle-Aged Women who Reside in Small and Medium-Sized Cities in Becoming Psychologically Mature Women
Euna Park, Haeok Kim
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):159-163.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The purpose of this study is to search the inner world of postmenopausal women in late-middle age who are facing senescence and live in small and medium-sized cities.
The methods of the study were the investigation and classification of answers to questions according to a declarative ethnography analysis. The questions asked to late–middle-aged women living in small and medium-sized cities were “How do you interpret and recognize the changes in the body after menopause?” and “Which methods do you choose and practice to maintain your health in relation to aging during middle age?”.
Four positive topics and two negative topics were drawn from the study. The four positive themes were: ambition; completion of a great mission; life with a sense of affection; and gratitude for maintaining health. The negative themes were: undulating emotion; and filling the emptiness.
The recognition of changes in the body after menopause in late–middle-aged women in small and medium-sized cities can affect their preparation processes towards senescence. It is critical to find the means to manage emergency health cases from early adulthood to middle age, based on the outcomes of the study. The study also emphasizes the importance of the woman's family's alternative strategies and supportive systems, which can fit into the cultural context of the community.


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  • Trend of Women’s Health Research in Korea, 2012–2020: Topic and Text Network Analysis
    Ji Eun Park, Saerom Kim, Myoung-Hee Kim, Taemi Kim, Seung-Ah Choe, Hye Sook Min
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The experiences and needs of Asian women experiencing menopausal symptoms: a meta-synthesis
    Shefaly Shorey, Esperanza D. Ng
    Menopause.2019; 26(5): 557.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Aromatherapy on Menopausal Symptoms, Perceived Stress and Depression in Middle-aged Women: A Systematic Review
    Shinmi Kim, Ji-Ah Song, Mi-Eun Kim, Myung-Haeng Hur
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2016; 46(5): 619.     CrossRef
The Use of Task-based Cognitive Tests for Defining Vocational Aptness of Individuals with Disabilities
Jae-Sung Kwon, Duck-Won Oh
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):164-169.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the use of task-based cognitive tests to detect potential problems in the assessment of work training for vocational rehabilitation.
Eleven participants with a normal range of cognitive functioning scores were recruited for this study. Participants were all trainees who participated in a vocational training program. The Rey Complex Figure Test and the Allen Cognitive Level Screen were randomly administered to all participants. Responses to the tests were qualitatively analyzed with matrix and scatter charts.
Observational outcomes derived from the tests indicated that response errors, distortions, and behavioral problems occurred in most participants. These factors may impede occupational performance despite normal cognitive function. These findings suggest that the use of task-based tests may be beneficial for detecting potential problems associated with the work performance of people with disabilities.
Specific analysis using the task-based tests may be necessary to complete the decision-making process for vocational aptness. Furthermore, testing should be led by professionals with a higher specialization in this field.


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  • Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Adaptation of Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5 (ACLS-5) with Individuals with Schizophrenia
    Leyla Kaya Ozturk, Gonca Bumin, Ebru Ozturk, Gokcen Akyurek
    Occupational Therapy in Mental Health.2023; 39(4): 419.     CrossRef
  • Clinical validation of the Allen's Cognitive Level Screen in acquired brain injury
    Elisabet Huertas-Hoyas, Gloria Rojo-Mota, Yolanda Carretero-Serrano, Rosa Mª Martínez-Piédrola, Marta Pérez-de-Heredia-Torres, Lucia Rocío Camacho-Montaño, Eduardo J. Pedrero-Pérez
    Brain Injury.2022; 36(6): 775.     CrossRef
  • The role of executive functions and psychiatric symptom severity in the Allen Cognitive Levels
    Sarah Schubmehl, Samuel H. Barkin, Doug Cort
    Psychiatry Research.2018; 259: 169.     CrossRef
A Study on the Characteristics of Infrequent and Frequent Outpatients Visiting Korean Traditional Medical Facilities
Jinwon Yoon, Haemo Park, Chaeshin Chu, Sung-Yong Choi, Kibum Lee, Sundong Lee
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):170-183.   Published online June 30, 2015
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This study was intended to analyze the characteristics of infrequent and frequent outpatients visiting Korean medical facilities, and find the related variables of frequent users.
The data source was the Report on the Usage and Consumption of Korean Medicine (2011) published by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs. We analyzed outpatient data using SAS 9.2.
As much as 46.6% of the patients used Korean medical services over 11 times in 3 months. The proportion of frequent users increased depending on age, and their proportion was high in the low-income and low-education group. People with musculoskeletal disease, stroke, hypertension, and obesity were more likely to use Korean medical services. In general, patients were satisfied with their treatment, with frequent outpatients being more satisfied than infrequent outpatients. In logistic regression analysis, age and musculoskeletal disease were significant determinants of frequency of use of Korean medical services.
Age, musculoskeletal disease, and specific diseases were highly associated with frequent Korean medical utilization.


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  • Identifying the Relationship between the Korean Medicine and Western Medicine in Factors Affecting Medical Service Use
    Young-eun Choi, Chul-woung Kim
    Healthcare.2022; 10(9): 1697.     CrossRef
  • Association between subjective health status and frequency of visits to acupuncture clinic: A cross-sectional study
    Takumi Kayo, Masao Suzuki, Ryuji Kato, Naoto Ishizaki, Tadamichi Mitsuma, Fumihiko Fukuda, Vijay S. Gc
    PLOS ONE.2022; 17(11): e0277686.     CrossRef
  • Characteristics of Herbal Medicine Users and Adverse Events Experienced in South Korea: A Survey Study
    Soobin Jang, Kyeong Han Kim, Seung-Ho Sun, Ho-Yeon Go, Eun-Kyung Lee, Bo-Hyoung Jang, Yong-Cheol Shin, Seong-Gyu Ko, Karin Kraft
    Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medic.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Utilization Patterns of Korean Medicine: An Analysis of the National Health Insurance Cohort Database from 2002 to 2013
    Sunju Park, In-Hwan Oh, Bo-Hyoung Jang, Minjung Park, YongCheol Shin, Kanghee Moon, Seong-Gyu Ko
    The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medic.2016; 22(10): 824.     CrossRef
Modification of AxSYM Human Immunodeficiency Virus Assay to Identify Recent Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in Korean Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Individuals
Jin-Sook Wang, Mee-Kyung Kee, Byeong-Sun Choi, Sung Soon Kim
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):184-191.   Published online June 30, 2015
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To estimate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) incidence using HIV avidity assays in Korea, we established a serological testing method to differentiate recent HIV infections from long-standing ones.
We adopted two incidence assays, the BED HIV-1 incidence test (Calypte Biomedical) and an HIV avidity assay (using Abbott AxSYM HIV Antigen/Antibody Combo), and performed them on Korean HIV samples obtained from 81 HIV seroconverters (n = 193), 135 HIV-positive samples, and three HIV commercial incidence panels (PRB965, PRB933, and PRB601 from SeaCare). To determine the most optimal concentration of the chaotropic agent (Guanidine) and the cutoff value for the avidity assay, we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the assay at different concentration levels.
We determined that the concentration of Guanidine to be used in the avidity assay was 1.5M. The cutoff value of the avidity index (AI) was 0.8, and the sensitivity and specificity were 90.2% and 83.8%, respectively, under this condition. The gray zone for the avidity assay was 0.75–0.85 AI. The mean of coefficient of variation was low, at 5.43%.
An optimized avidity assay for the diagnosis of recent HIV infections using Korean samples was established. This assay will be applied to investigate the level of recent infection and will provide basic data to the HIV prevention policy in Korea.


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  • Characteristics of recent HIV infection among individuals newly diagnosed as HIV-positive in South Korea (2008–2015)
    Myeongsu Yoo, Jin-Sook Wang, Su-Jin Park, Jeong-ok Cha, Yoonhee Jung, Yoon-Seok Chung, Myung Guk Han, Byeong-Sun Choi, Sung-Soon Kim, Mee-Kyung Kee
    Scientific Reports.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
Identifying Barriers to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing for Men Who Have Sex with Men in South Korea
Aeree Sohn, Byonghee Cho, Harvey A. Kennedy
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):192-200.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The principal objective of this study was to identify the barriers to testing for men who have sex with men (MSM) in Korea, something that might prove useful in future studies of this nature.
This study was conducted at gay bars nationwide in Korea. After considering several offline locations (gay bars) where MSM candidates are commonly located, random recruitment was performed using time–location sampling. A total of 944 individuals participated in this survey. A total sample of 921 cases (23 cases were excluded) was used for analysis. A self-administered questionnaire measuring the individuals' demographics, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS knowledge, stigma, phobia, optimism bias, self-efficacy for condom use, and sexual practices was used.
About 61.8% (N = 569) of respondents reported having been tested at least once in their lifetime, and 38.9% (N = 358) acknowledged being tested within the past 12 months. After adjusting for age, education, and number of partners in a logistic regression analysis, awareness of testing place [odds ratio (OR) = 4.04], exposure to HIV prevention campaign (1.54), fear (OR = 1.13), and discrimination toward people with HIV/AIDS (OR = 0.94) were the main factors associated with HIV testing.
To accomplish widespread HIV testing for Korean MSM, the accessibility of testing centers and advertisement of voluntary counseling and testing to MSM are needed.


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  • Behavioral predictors associated with HIV screening needs in gay Korean men during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Rang Hee Kwon, So-Hyun Kim, Minsoo Jung, Omid Dadras
    PLOS ONE.2023; 18(6): e0287061.     CrossRef
  • Trends in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Related Knowledge and Stigma among Men Who Have Sex with Men in the Republic of Korea from 2012 to 2022
    Aeree Sohn
    Healthcare.2023; 11(24): 3135.     CrossRef
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of pre-exposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV in men who have sex with men in South Korea: a mathematical modelling study
    Heun Choi, Jiyeon Suh, Woonji Lee, Jun Hyoung Kim, Jung Ho Kim, Hye Seong, Jin Young Ahn, Su Jin Jeong, Nam Su Ku, Yoon Soo Park, Joon Sup Yeom, Changsoo Kim, Hee-Dae Kwon, Davey M. Smith, Jeehyun Lee, Jun Yong Choi
    Scientific Reports.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Users' Concerns Related to Online HIV Counseling in South Korea: A Descriptive Qualitative Study
    Han Ju Lee, Hee Sun Kang, Savitri Singh-Carlson, Kyung Sun Kim
    Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.2020; 31(6): 646.     CrossRef
  • The use of social marketing campaigns to increase HIV testing uptake: a systematic review
    John O. Olawepo, Jennifer R. Pharr, Axenya Kachen
    AIDS Care.2019; 31(2): 153.     CrossRef
  • Non-adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among HIV infected adults in Mon State of Myanmar
    Win Lei Aye, Apa Puckpinyo, Karl Peltzer
    BMC Public Health.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Discrimination and Stigma
    Hae-Wol Cho, Chaeshin Chu
    Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2015; 6(3): 141.     CrossRef
High Prevalence of AmpC β-Lactamases in Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli in Ilam, Iran
Abbas Maleki, Afra Khosravi, Sobhan Ghafourian, Iraj Pakzad, Shiva Hosseini, Rashid Ramazanzadeh, Nourkhoda Sadeghifard
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):201-204.   Published online June 30, 2015
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Widespread use of β-lactam antibiotics could cause resistance to this group of antibiotics in pathogenic bacteria through the production of the enzyme β-lactamases. The aim of this study is to determine the molecular detection of AmpC β-lactamases among clinical Escherichia coli isolated from Ilam hospitals in Ilam, Iran.
One hundred and twelve clinical isolates of E. coli were collected from hospitalized patients and were identified by biochemical tests. They were evaluated for extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) production, and the positive strains were subjected to AmpC enzymes; for detection of AmpC cluster genes, multiplex polymerase chain reaction was applied.
The analysis showed 62.5% of isolates were ESBLs positive and that five strains revealed the AmpC cluster genes. This is the first report of FOXM cluster genes in E. coli in Iran.
Based on our results, the prevalence of AmpC β-lactamases is increasing in Iran, which caused failure in antibiotic therapy. So, the current study recommended the revision of antibiotic policy in Iranian hospitals.


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  • Identification of AmpC beta-lactamase producing clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Guilan and investigation of inhibitory effect of thymol on
    Khorshid Jirdashtani, Fatemeh Mousavi, Leila Asadpour
    Alborz University Medical Journal.2024; 13(3): 182.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence of ESBL and AmpC genes in E. coli isolates from urinary tract infections in the north of Iran
    M. Sadeghi, H. Sedigh Ebrahim-Saraie, A. Mojtahedi
    New Microbes and New Infections.2022; 45: 100947.     CrossRef
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    Sufia Athar, Anvar P. Vellamgot, Lolwa Mohammed Alansari, Mohd Adnan
    Case Reports in Infectious Diseases.2022; 2022: 1.     CrossRef
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    Ronni Mol Joji, Ali Ebrahim Al-Mahameed, Thamer Al Jishi, Dania Ismail Fatani, Nermin K. Saeed, Ahmed Jaradat, Hicham Ezzat, Khalid Mubarak Bindayna
    Annals of Thoracic Medicine.2021; 16(3): 287.     CrossRef
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    Hassan Valadbeigi, Masoumeh HatamiLak, Abbas Maleki, Ebrahim Kouhsari, Nourkhoda Sadeghifard
    Gene Reports.2020; 18: 100584.     CrossRef
  • High prevalence of blaCMY AmpC beta-lactamase in ESBL co-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. clinical isolates in the northeast of Iran
    Kobra Salimiyan Rizi, Arman Mosavat, Masoud Youssefi, Saeid Amel Jamehdar, Kiarash Ghazvini, Hadi Safdari, Yousef Amini, Hadi Farsiani
    Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.2020; 22: 477.     CrossRef
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    Fatemeh Fallah, Taher Azimi, Leila Azimi, Abdollah Karimi, Mohammad Rahbar, Mehdi Shirdoust, Iraj Sedighi, Ata Saadat Sadeghi, Shahnaz Armin
    Gene Reports.2020; 21: 100868.     CrossRef
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    Subhas Chandra Aryal, Milan Kumar Upreti, Anil Kumar Sah, Mehraj Ansari, Krishus Nepal, Binod Dhungel, Nabaraj Adhikari, Binod Lekhak, Komal Raj Rijal
    Infection and Drug Resistance.2020; Volume 13: 4249.     CrossRef
  • Isolation and molecular characterization of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli from chicken meat
    Md. Masudur Rahman, Asmaul Husna, Hatem A. Elshabrawy, Jahangir Alam, Nurjahan Yasmin Runa, A. T. M. Badruzzaman, Nahid Arjuman Banu, Mohammad Al Mamun, Bashudeb Paul, Shobhan Das, Md. Mahfujur Rahman, A. T. M. Mahbub-E-Elahi, Ahmed S. Khairalla, Hossam M
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    JOURNAL OF SULAIMANI MEDICAL COLLEGE.2018; 8(2): 57.     CrossRef
  • Bacteraemia due to AmpC β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in hospitalized cancer patients: risk factors, antibiotic therapy, and outcomes
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    Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease.2017; 88(3): 247.     CrossRef
Joint Disease Mapping of Two Digestive Cancers in Golestan Province, Iran Using a Shared Component Model
Parisa Chamanpara, Abbas Moghimbeigi, Javad Faradmal, Jalal Poorolajal
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):205-210.   Published online June 30, 2015
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Recent studies have suggested the occurrence patterns and related diet factor of esophagus cancer (EC) and gastric cancer (GC). Incidence of these cancers was mapped either in general and stratified by sex. The aim of this study was to model the geographical variation in incidence of these two related cancers jointly to explore the relative importance of an intended risk factor, diet low in fruit and vegetable intake, in Golestan, Iran.
Data on the incidence of EC and GC between 2004 and 2008 were extracted from Golestan Research Center of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Hamadan, Iran. These data were registered as new observations in 11 counties of the province yearly. The Bayesian shared component model was used to analyze the spatial variation of incidence rates jointly and in this study we analyzed the data using this model. Joint modeling improved the precision of estimations of underlying diseases pattern, and thus strengthened the relevant results.
From 2004 to 2008, the joint incidence rates of the two cancers studied were relatively high (0.8–1.2) in the Golestan area. The general map showed that the northern part of the province was at higher risk than the other parts. Thus the component representing diet low in fruit and vegetable intake had larger effect of EC and GC incidence rates in this part. This incidence risk pattern was retained for female but for male was a little different.
Using a shared component model for joint modeling of incidence rates leads to more precise estimates, so the common risk factor, a diet low in fruit and vegetables, is important in this area and needs more attention in the allocation and delivery of public health policies.


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Brief Report
Korea Community Health Survey Data Profiles
Yang Wha Kang, Yun Sil Ko, Yoo Jin Kim, Kyoung Mi Sung, Hyo Jin Kim, Hyung Yun Choi, Changhyun Sung, Eunkyeong Jeong
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(3):211-217.   Published online June 30, 2015
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In 2008, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiated the first nationwide survey, Korea Community Health Survey (KCHS), to provide data that could be used to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate community health promotion and disease prevention programs. This community-based cross-sectional survey has been conducted by 253 community health centers, 35 community universities, and 1500 interviewers. The KCHS standardized questionnaire was developed jointly by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention staff, a working group of health indicators standardization subcommittee, and 16 metropolitan cities and provinces with 253 regional sites. The questionnaire covers a variety of topics related to health behaviors and prevention, which is used to assess the prevalence of personal health practices and behaviors related to the leading causes of disease, including smoking, alcohol use, drinking and driving, high blood pressure control, physical activity, weight control, quality of life (European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions, European Quality of Life-Visual Analogue Scale, Korean Instrumental Activities of Daily Living ), medical service, accident, injury, etc. The KCHS was administered by trained interviewers, and the quality control of the KCHS was improved by the introduction of a computer-assisted personal interview in 2010. The KCHS data allow a direct comparison of the differences of health issues among provinces. Furthermore, the provinces can use these data for their own cost-effective health interventions to improve health promotion and disease prevention. For users and researchers throughout the world, microdata (in the form of SAS files) and analytic guidelines can be downloaded from the KCHS website ( in Korean.


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  • Association between social trust and the risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults in Korea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study
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  • Heated tobacco products: Cigarette complements, not substitutes
    Jun Hyun Hwang, Dong Hee Ryu, Soon-Woo Park
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    Ye Seol Lee, Tae Hyun Kim
    Psychiatry Research.2019; 271: 83.     CrossRef
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    International Journal of Environmental Research an.2019; 16(7): 1279.     CrossRef
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