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Brief Report
Evaluation of Hypertension Prevention and Control Programs in Lima, Peru
Bonhee Chung, Dohyeong Kim, Eun Woo Nam
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2018;9(1):36-41.   Published online December 31, 2017
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The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) established 4 health centers to provide hypertension screening and a health support program in a deprived urban area of Lima, Peru. This case report provides a mid-term evaluation of the KOICA’s hypertension prevention and control programs.


A follow up study was performed on 663 residents who were diagnosed with prehypertension or hypertension (Stage 1 and 2) in the 4 KOICA health centers. Patients participated in programs designed to prevent and control hypertension through education sessions over the course of 6 months. Using simple descriptive statistics and computer simulations, we evaluated the effect of hypertension prevention and control programs on the participants.


The KOICA health programs appeared to significantly contribute to lowering the blood pressure (BP) of the participants. The total number of participants with normal BP increased from none to 109. Overall, the female and younger patients responded better to the KOICA programs than the male and older participants. In addition, the average systolic BP, diastolic BP, and body mass index of all participants was significantly reduced.


The KOICA programs were effective at lowering blood pressure, particularly amongst the prehypertension group than the Stage 1 and 2 hypertension groups. This suggests that providing an extensive screening service for adults with prehypertension will help control hypertension in the early stages.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Evaluation of workplace hypertension preventative and detection service in a Ghanaian University
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    Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología.2021; 56(1): 61.     CrossRef
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Original Article
Health Status of the Residents in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines: A Way to Make a Healthy Community
Rosa Mistica C. Ignacio, Ma Easter Joy V. Sajo, Eun Woo Nam, Chun Bae Kim, Dong Won Ahn, Pan Suk Kim, Kyu Jae Lee
Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2015;6(1):20-26.   Published online February 28, 2015
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Even though Philippines is widely known as exporters of health workers in the world, the Occidental Mindoro province suffers from a lack of health workers compared with the total population of each municipality. The aim of this study was to observe, identify, and understand the persisting health status, knowledge, and practices among the three selected communities in Occidental Mindoro, Philippines.
The study applied a survey using basic questions with three key topics, with relevance to the health condition of the villagers, such as demographics (social capital and regional characteristics), lifestyle (healthy living, and healthy lifestyle and behavior), and status or position in the society (general demographics, and personal behavior and attitudes), with a random sample of 256 adult respondents.
Only about 54.3% rated themselves as fair/moderately healthy, and a total of 17.2% suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease, while 9% have been diagnosed with tuberculosis in the past 6 months. Respondents mostly have low income and low education.
The majority of the respondents have only primary and secondary education, and a very low average income; these suggest that respondents were afflicted with poverty and low educational attainment. Respondents who are deprived of their rights to obtain a higher education also have a higher chance of having less knowledge on their well-being. Health programs do not guarantee a healthy individual and a healthy society, but a combination of health programs and socioeconomic support can help in creating a healthy community.


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    Herpetozoa.2023; 36: 1.     CrossRef

PHRP : Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives