Author’s checklist
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> For authors
> Author’s checklist
- For authors
General Requirements
- □ The corresponding author (or the representative author of the co-corresponding authors) is the submitter of this manuscript.
- □ All manuscripts should be written in English.
- □ The main document with manuscript text and tables should be prepared in an MS Word (docx) or RTF file format.
- □ Manuscripts should be double-spaced in A4-size pages.
- □ Manuscripts should include line numbers.
- □ All pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the abstract.
Title Page
- □ The title page and the rest of the manuscript text are prepared separately in two files (not combined together).
- □ The title page is arranged in the following order: article title, authors’ full name(s), affiliation(s), and corresponding author’s information, running title (less than 50 characters), and notes.
- □ The notes section including (1) ethics approval and consent to participate, (2) conflicts of interest, (3) funding, (4) availability of data, (5) author contributions, and (6) additional contributions is in title page, not in the manuscript.
- □ The abstract does not exceed 250 words (Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion) for original articles and 200 words for reviews. Up to 3−6 keywords are listed at the bottom of the abstract.
Main Text
- □ The manuscript is organized according to following sequence: Title page, Abstract and keywords, Main text, References, Tables, and Figure legends.
Tables and Figures
- □ All tables and figures are numbered in the order of their appearance in a main text.
- □ Tables are included at the end of the manuscript as editable text and not as images.
- □ Figures are as separate files, in jpg, ppt, tiff, or pdf format.
- □ References are listed in proper format.
- □ All references listed in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa.